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This Space Is For You
* Support * Guidance * Knowledge * Resources * Articles * Recommendations *
There’s a lot to learn after a marriage ends.
  • Maybe your spouse used to pay the bills and you don’t even know where to begin.

  • It may be a while since you’ve dated and you’re wondering if there are different rules the second time around.

  • You’d love to find out how to navigate co-parenting peacefully.

  • And so much more.

After Forever is a space that was created just for you.

Everyone on this forum, from moderators and professionals to members, have all been through divorce and walked this journey. We're here to hand over some of the wisdom we've gained along the way, share any resources we found helpful, and hash out with you any challenges that come your way. And we're here to give you hope and help you find a healthy and happy after-forever.

What Came Before After Forever

Hi, I’m Esti Eisner, the founder of this forum.  On December 31, 2019, I received my get, and not too long after that, Covid shut down the world.  I was isolated, with no way to network and no way to meet other people who could help me and support me.  Of course, I had married friends, but they didn’t understand what I was going through and also didn’t have the knowledge or resources I was looking for.  What I needed was other divorcees.

I found facebook groups and whatsapp groups soon developed as well.  But it was hard to keep up with the conversations and all the notifications- it was a huge time drain to be an active member.  I also found it hard to find information that I needed at a later date.  Searching these groups wasn’t easy or helpful- comments were scattered and vital info was lost in the sea of chatter.

One day, a member mentioned to an admin that she should start a podcast.  She responded, “I’d love to, but we don’t have the platform for that.”

And I thought, “What if I created that platform? What if I made a space for us, Jewish divorcees, to talk about everything and anything that’s on our mind?  To be real and honest?  To share what’s worked for us, to hold the burden together? As our own community?”

And so, After Forever was formed. It’s a space for all of us to show up for each other, offer guidance, support and friendship. It’s a safe environment to explore how we can move forward to confidence and wholeness.

This is just the beginning.  I have big dreams for After Forever and what it could become.  But in the meantime, I can’t wait to meet you and have you join our community.

Forum Rules:
Be Kind:
Be kind to yourself. Be kind to other members. And be kind to your ex. Find balance.
Be Forewarned:
If a member engages in any behavior that is harmful to any other member, he/she will receive one warning before being removed from the forum.
Be Helpful:
If you have a resource, a professional, or any knowledge that can help someone else, share it!
Our Team


Esti Eisner

Esti Eisner is a single mom to two awesome kids. A self-professed tech nerd with a dramatic flair, a touch of adventure, and a tendency toward empathy, After Forever is her "third child". Esti has worked in the tech industry for 25 years, in various positions ranging from Customer Support to Director of Services. She made the switch to freelance programming in 2010 and has since built a practice with a strong and dedicated client base who rely on her to keep their businesses running. Esti now works full-time as Lead Developer for Invision Power Services and built this website with the goal of giving back to the Jewish community. In her spare time, Esti writes, sings, and records her own music, reads many books, and drinks lots of coffee. (And once in a while jumps out of planes.) She is driven by a desire to help others through the difficulties of divorce and to support those who feel alone.


Shawna Magence

Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Shawna Magence has 4 children and 5 grandchildren who are her pride, joy, and inspiration. She is a certified mediator, bestselling cookbook author, certified matchmaker, and dating and relationship coach. Connecting others, whether for love, friendship or business, is one of Shawna’s passions and purposes. With degrees in psychology and bookkeeping, Shawna spent 24 years as COO of a Personal Injury law firm. Today, Shawna is an entrepreneur who has built a successful online skincare business.  Shawna spent much of her life as an avid volunteer, holding many leadership positions, including President of Emunah Women of Toronto (a social assistance organization that supports Israel), President, Fundraising Chair, and Treasurer of Netivot HaTorah Day School, and has held executive roles on countless boards and committees including leader of the FemCity Thornhill Collective, a networking organization for women. As an advocate and eating disorder survivor, Shawna has been a speaker and organizer of an Eating Disorder Symposium for her community. An avid life long learner, Shawna has recently completed and become a certified Beit Din Advocate (Toenet) and is in the process of completing her CDFA designation (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst).


Daniel Norensberg

Daniel Norensberg is an accomplished accountant with over 25 years of experience in the industry. Over the years, he has gained a wealth of knowledge and expertise in financial reporting, budgeting, tax planning, and compliance. Daniel’s career began after graduating with a degree in accounting, and he has since held various positions in different organizations, ranging from small businesses to multinational corporations. He began his own practice in 2007, and has a proven track record of success in improving financial performance, implementing effective financial controls, and optimizing tax strategies for his clients. Daniel is known for his passion for helping others, and has long aspired to put his skills to use assisting others in getting back on their feet financially. He is dedicated to every individual whom he helps and aims to put them on the best possible path to success.

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